Christ Lutheran Preschool and Child Care Center
Before and After School Care
We offer before and after school care for children ages 5-12!
Our teacher will walk the children to La Veta every morning.
We offer Pizza lunch each Wednesday!
Friday is electronic day.Children can bring their phone,IPad etc from home and have 30 minutes of supervised "Friday Fun" on their device.
After School
2:30-2:45: Walk from La Veta to CLP
2:45-3:00: Afternoon snack
3:00-4:00: Homework time
*During this time children work to get their homework completed and have time to receive extra help, and one on one work time when needed!
4:00-4:30: Outside time
4:30-5:00 Inside activity
5:00-6:00 Free play
**Every Wednesday (Half day) children are picked up at 12:30 from La Veta Elementary School!
Chapel time with our Pastor is at 1:30 pm!
Childcare facility ID: 300614040