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Photo Gallery: We are an active, growing preschool! 

We love playing outdoors, water play, creating art, having fun with friends, and growing in God! 

VBS 2023
VBS 2023
VBS 2023
Frozen toy ice rescue
Frozen toy ice rescue
Frozen toy ice rescue
Pre-K Graduation 2023
Pre-K Graduation 2023
Pre-K Graduation 2023
Friends and rainy days
We love rainy days
Ready for our Christmas show
Yummy Christmas trees
Yummy Christmas trees
We love cookies!!!
Cookie decorating time
Reindeer snack
Decorating Halloween cookies!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Cousin love
Happy Halloween!!
Crazy hair day with Ms. Karina and Ms.Kaylee
Crazy and matching hair
Pumpkin carving
Made our own dirt cups
Yummy firefighter snack
Yummy firefighter snack
Play doh is so much fun
Disney day
Friends for life

Additional Fees/Payment Info:

Late Pickup: There is a late fee of $1 per minute beginning at 6:01pm for the full day or 12:31pm for half day children payable at the time of late pick-up to compensate our teacher(s) for staying later.

Tuition payment: All tuition is due by the 1st of each month. A late payment fee of $25 will be charged if received on the 6th or later. We reserve the right to accept only the children with current accounts after the 10th of each month. Absences, school holidays and staff development days are all figured into our calculations. No vacation credit will be given.

Extra Days (drop-ins): If space is available and it has been pre-approved by the Director, a rate of $45 is payable on that day only. 

Half Day Lunch Bunch: Half day children may stay for lunch, until 12:30pm at the rate of $5 per day on that day only.

Absences: No credit will be given for absences. Please call and notify the Center when your child is absent so that we can staff accordingly. A 2-week notice in writing or a 2-week payment must be made before withdrawal from our program. No credit/refund will be given in case of a Stay-At-Home order or school closure due to COVID-19. No pro-rated tuition will be offered in case of mandatory quarantine.

Christ Lutheran Preschool and Child Care Center

(714) 532-2268

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